Nano and Wio Firmware Files

Nano Firmware

nano_fw_0216-01.hex Fix rare issue with IDEN table generation on Harris TDMA system. Use with WIO_FW_0216-01.UF2

nano_fw_0204-02.hex Added MEM_TYPE=(FRAM/NOR) to the [GLOBAL_CONFIG] section of the configuration. Use with WIO_FW_010724-04.UF2

nano_fw_0110-01.hex (added 0110-24) Show Site Name and Site ID for FM analog mode in eaglemon TG history list. Requires WIO_010704-04 or greater. (make a configuration backup before updating).

nano_fw_0106-02.hex (added 010824) Added "SET LAYOUT" option to button mode menu. Requires WIO_010704-04 or greater. (make a configuration backup before updating).

nano_fw_010624-02.hex (added 01-08) Display SITE_NAME in place of TG for FM analog mode. Requires WIO FW 01-06-24 or greater.

nano_fw_1227-03.hex (added 12/27/23) Add new configuration options for HW_TYPE and EN_TRAFFIC_SCROLL. Requires WIO FW 12-27 or greater.

nano_fw_1217-01.hex (added 12/17/23) Attempt to fix rssi display issue and start with correct rssi for Nano on power-up

nano_fw_1127-01.hex  (added 11/27/23) Units shipped on 11/27 or later should run this version and later

nano_fw_1115-01.hex  (added 11/26/23)



Wio Terminal Firmware for use with the Nano

WIO_FW_030324-06.UF2 (use with nano_fw 0216-01) -added Rotated 90deg layout from goldmyne99.

 WIO_FW_022924-01.UF2 (use with nano_fw 0216-01) -added ALT DIAG layout from goldmyne99.

 WIO_FW_0216-01.UF2 (use with nano_fw 0216-01)

WIO_FW_010724-04.UF2 (use with nano_fw 0106-02)

WIO_FW_010624-2.UF2 (use with nano_fw 010624)

WIO_FW_1228.UF2 (use with nano_fw 1227-03)
