P25RX Wio Terminal P25 Demo Application

P25RX Wio Terminal P25 Demo Application Support

Binary release image of the P25RX demo application for the Wio Terminal D51R

CURRENT.UF2 (release 2022-06-29_22)

Wio Terminal-P25RX/RX-II Display Quick Start Guide - Install guide written by goldmyne99 of the RR forum. Thank you!

Requirements: P25RX firmware must be 2022-02-07 or later.

Button Mappings:


Support for up to 8 frequencies stored in the P25RX roaming flash area:

Left - Change to previous frequency in the roaming flash table

Right - Change to the next frequency in the roaming flash table

Press - Toggle between original display and new modes

Down - Switch new screen styles

Top Buttons:

Left - Follow/Hold on current talk group.

Middle - Switch demodulation modes

Right - Skip current talk group for xxx seconds.