Getting Started With Rdio-Scanner And The P25RX/P25RX-II

As of 06-03-22, the BTCFG-II and BTConfig software has an option on the PC Audio tab to enable Rdio-Scanner support. This option will generate audio wav files in your home_dir/p25rx/0x_mac_id/rdio_dirwatch folder. The Rdio-Scanner server software can then be configured to monitor this folder for the audio files to ingest and serve up over the network to client browser, or Android / Apple phone apps.

1) Go to the github release page for Rdio-Scanner and download the release for your Platform from here:

2) Unzip the software and start the executable on your system. Note that a database for configuration and converted audio will be created in the same folder as the executable.

3) In your web browser enter the following URL:


The default admin password is 'rdio-scanner'

4) Click on the DirWatch Config Option and Select "New dir watch".

5) Click on the NewDirWatch you just created.

Fill in these parts of the form:

Delete After: This must be enabled.

Directory (this is the path to the rdio_dirwatch folder that the BTCFG software outputs audio files to:

e.g. C:\users\yourname\Documents\p25rx\0xEBEA99BF1AE7\rdio_dirwatch

Extension:  wav

Type: default

System: Metatag #SYS

Talkgroup: Metatag #TG

Mask (for Rdio-scanner): TG_#TG_#DATE_#TIME_#SYS_#HZ_#UNIT

Then press SAVE

6) Select the Systems Option and press "New system"

Select the newly create System and Enter the following:

Id:   Enter the system id in decimal

Label: Enter a label that describes this system with this id

Press Save

6b) Select Options and click the "Disable Duplicate Call Detection". This is important to get things working well. Press Save when done.

7) In the BTConfig/BTCFG/ADV-BTCFG software, enable the Rdio-Scanner support on the PC Audio tab.

8) Test the server in your web browser, enter this URL:


Press the LIVE FEED button. You should start to hear audio.

9)  Download the client for your phone from here:

For Apple

Or here for Android

Or search in your app store for Rdio-scanner.

When configuring the app, use the IP address of the computer you started the server on like this:   e.g.  (use your server's IP address)

If it asks for a password, the default is rdio-scanner